
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Monkey Talk with Dominic Garrini
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Christopher and The Captain sit down with the Bone Collector Dominic Garrini to talk about his busy schedule and all the happenings of SUP!
Find SUP wrestling on iwtv.live
Use Promo Code 'SUPGRAPS' for 5 Free days!
Find Dominic Garrini on Twitter at @dgarrinibc
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP

Friday Feb 26, 2021
Monkey Talk with Dylan Hales
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Friday Feb 26, 2021
A different perspective!
You've heard wrestlers. You've heard refs. You've heard CEOs and Owners.
Now hear Commentary!
We sit down with Dylan Hales, commentator of such promotions as ACTION wrestling and SUP. Also, an advocate and employee of IWTV.
He takes over the podcast right from the start and we talk about tons of Indie wrestling and tons of history that you never knew you were interested in!
Also a Match announcement for the Are These Our Lives studio show(s) coming up March 14th.
Find SUP wrestling on iwtv.live
Use Promo Code 'SUPGRAPS' for 5 Free days!
Find Dylan Hales on Twitter at @DylanWaco
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP

Friday Feb 05, 2021
Monkey Talk with Alex Kane
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Find Alex Kane at:
Twitter @Alex_kane11
Bookings: Alexkanebookings@gmail.com
Merch: prowrestlingtees.com/suplexisland
Find Action wrestling on iwtv.live
Use Promo Code 'Action' for 5 Free days!
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP

Friday Feb 05, 2021
Monkey Talk with Logan Creed
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Find Logan Creed at:
Twitter & Instagram: @TheLoganCreed
Facebook: @logan.creed.182
Merch: prowrestlingtees.com/theheathenlogancreed
Find Action wrestling on iwtv.live
Use Promo Code 'Action' for 5 Free days!
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP

Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Monkeying Around: Tag Team Night - Brian Milonas, Bear Bronson, Ricky Gibson
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Join us as we start our 12 days of Giving!
We start with Tag Team Night!
Valpancakes and VintageDream join us as we welcome some Tag Team specialists to the Monkey Nation!
ROH star Brian Milonas, Bear Country's Bear Bronson and 4 Minutes of Heat Ricky Gibson talk hot tags, different venues to wrestle in, and how they like pancakes!
Be sure to donate if you can to our cause here: https://bit.ly/2J4FPlb
Go support these great wrestlers here:
Twitter: @brianmilonas
Merchandise: https://prowrestlingtees.com/brianmilonas
Twitter: @bearbronsonBC
Merchandise: https://prowrestlingtees.com/bronson
Twitter: @rockinrickyg
Merchandise: https://4minutesofheat.square.site
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP

Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Monkey Talk with Matt Griffin: "ACTION Wrestling Year End Review"
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
The new year is upon us and we had a second to chat with the CEO of ACTION Wrestling, Matt Griffin! We take a look back at what 2020 was for ACTION, talk about some of the matches we enjoyed, and how things changed a bit when the promotion came back after Covid. Christopher and The Captain even go fishing to get some sort of information out of Matt in regards to his Birthday Show scheduled for Friday, January 8th!
Where to find Action Wrestling & Matt Griffin:
Facebook & Instagram:
Find Action wrestling on iwtv.live
Use Promo Code 'Action' for 5 Free days!
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP

Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Monkey Talk with Kevin Ryan: "Backflips & Macadamia Nut Cookies!"
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
It was a first for the Monkey Talk show as Christopher and The Captain were able to officially announce an ACTION Wrestling match LIVE on Twitch! The Tyrone, GA promotion is back with another Double Header of "action" (pun intended) on Friday, February 12th with 'NO EASY WAY OUT' and 'EYES ON THE THRONE'! That night, this weeks guest BrainDead, Kevin Ryan will be taking on a newcomer to ACTION Wrestling in Eli Knight (making his debut).
The guys had a chance to sit down with Kevin to find out what he was like as a youngin' and BOY did it go off the rails quick! They were also able to get a little bit of info on how and why he has now aligned himself with Suge D. School Bus stories, musical endeavors, and quite possibly one of the most insane "answers" to our favorite cookie question. Make sure to tune in and find out a little more about this up and coming independent star.
Where To Find Kevin Ryan:
Twitter: @KevinRyanBDED
Instagram: @TheKevinRyan
YouTube: youtu.be/4H19lktIcO0
Merchandise: www.storefrontier.com/braindead
Booking: KevinRyan1414@gmail.com
Find Action wrestling on iwtv.live
Use Promo Code 'Action' for 5 Free days!
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP

Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monkey Talk with Matt Sells: "White Russians and Oreos"
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
On the eve of ACTION Wrestling's Friday Night Fights III, we were joined by "The Boozerweight" himself...Matt Sells! 2020 may have been a tough year for some, however, Matt is on a roll in ACTION. Amassing a 4-0 record so far in the year. He puts his streak on the line for a rematch against Jaden Newman, whom he wrestled at last months event to a referee's decision.
The guys get Matt's take on what happened in his previous match; What it was like to "hump" Jaden into submission and his prediction for the rematch. Along the way we find out what music he's into, favorite beer of choice...which also went into a discussion of possibly getting sponsored by them (we're still waiting on Oreo). He also mentions a number of the trainers he's had a long the way that have helped shaped who he is as a wrestler today.
We also get another road story or two along with the answer to THE MOST important question...Oreo's! Listen to our LIVE Twitch chat for all this and more from Matt 'Sex' Sells!
Where To Find Matt Sells:
Twitter & Instagram: @AllSellsFinal
Facebook: @RockNRollModel
YouTube: @MattSexSells
LiveWire Wrestling & Matt "Sex" Sells Present:
The Boozerweight Classic 2
Sat., January 2nd 2021 - Belltime: 7:30pm
American Legion Post #63 - 90 Milledge Rd, Augusta, GA
Ticket Info: LiveWireAugusta.ga
Find Action wrestling on IWTV.live
Use Promo Code 'Action' for 5 Free days!
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP

Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Monkey Talk with Arik Royal Part 2: "The ACEGAWD Chronicles"
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
December 11th, 2020 at ACTION Wrestling's BANGERS ONLY, the ACEGAWD, Arik Royal has one of, if not the biggest match of his career. Taking on the ONLY Champion ACTION has had, a 2+ year reign; AC Mack stands in his way.
Christopher had the pleasure of talking to Arik during one of his "Quick Hits" episodes and now he gets a full episode! We find out what a young Arik was like, who he connected to as a fan growing up and a rather interesting story on finding (or not) where to train to become a wrestler.
Of course we get his thoughts on the match at BANGERS ONLY and what it would feel like to take the title off of The Champ! Road stories, a plethora of favorites and a reiteration of what his answer to the Oreo Cookie question was all in this episode of Monkey Talk!
Find The ACEGAWD, Arik Royal at:
Twitter: @BigArikRoyal
Instagram: @Ace_Royal11
Facebook: @BigACERoyal
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/BigAce51
Find Action wrestling on IWTV.live
Use Promo Code 'Action' for 5 Free days!
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP

Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Monkey Talk with Tre' LaMar: 'Live From Tyrone'
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
In a 'Special Challenge Match' for the ACTION Championship Tre' LaMar took on The Champ, AC Mack at Friday The 13th. After the match Christopher caught up the challenger to ask a few questions.
We find out what got Tre' into wrestling and the PPV that really pulled him into being not just a fan, but wanting to be a wrestler. On the road food favorites, what advice would he give his 10 year old self and of course the divisive Oreo question.
Find Tre' LaMar at:
Twitter & Instagram: @TreLaMar_
Merch: whatamaneuver.net/collections/tre-lamar
Find Action wrestling on iwtv.live
Use Promo Code 'Action' for 5 Free days!
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP