
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Monkey Talk with Logan Creed: 'Live From Tyrone'
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
After a hellacious match versus Orion Bishop, where they almost brought the house down; Christopher had a brief moment to talk to the 6' 8" heathen, Logan Creed!
We find out what a young Creed was like and his memories of watching wrestling as a kid. Christopher asks about his motivation in wrestling and the background about his new ring gear.
Find Logan Creed at:
Twitter & Instagram: @TheLoganCreed
Facebook: @logan.creed.182
Merch: prowrestlingtees.com/theheathenlogancreed
Find Action wrestling on iwtv.live
Use Promo Code 'Action' for 5 Free days!
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP

Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Monkey Talk with Brayden Lee: 'Live From Tyrone'
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Christopher gets a chance to talk with Brayden Lee after his 4-man Scramble match at Friday the 13th. They discuss what motivates him on the Indie wrestling scene and where he sees himself going in the future!
Find Brayden Lee at:
Twitter & Instagram: @BraydenxLee
Merch: prowrestlingtees.com/brazy
Find Action wrestling on iwtv.live
Use Promo Code 'Action' for 5 Free days!
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP

Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Monkey Talk with Suge D: 'Thicc FaSho!'
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
The night before his big match at Friday The 13th against Cabana Man Dan, Suge D sits down with Christopher and The Captain. Suge talks about how he grew up, what got him interested in wrestling and what are some differences in the wrestling culture between the US and the UK.
The Captain questions Suge on his thoughts for the upcoming match and things go...well, a bit of course. What does Suge D have in store for Dan in there match? You'll have to listen/watch our interview and get on IWTV.live to see just what happens!
After Christopher gets things back on track we find out some of his favorites, what his does in her spare time and a small glimpse at his video game collection. OH...and don't worry, we didn't forget about our famous cookie question. What side is Suge on??? Check out this episode of Monkey Talk!
Find Suge D at:
Twitter: @SugarDunkerton
Instagram: @SugarDunkertonFaSho
Twitch: twitch.tv/SugarDunkertonFaSho
Merch: prowrestlingtees.com/sugardunkerton
Find Action Wrestling on IWTV.live
Use Promo Code 'ACTION' for a 5 day free trial!
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Monkey Talk with Cole Radrick: 'Live From Tyrone'
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Join Christopher as he catches up with Cole Radrick after his battle with Brett Ison at Friday the 13th.
You can find out what young Cole was like and who he pulls inspiration from.
Find Cole Radrick at:
Twitter & Instagram: @ColeRadrick
Merchandise: coleradrickshop.bigcartel.com
Find Action wrestling on iwtv.live
Use Promo Code 'Action' for 5 Free days!
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Monkey Talk with Billie Starkz: 'Live From Tyrone'
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
After another successful Action show Christopher is joined by The Melo of Big Starkz Brand, #NevaLost #Babydraw, #BOAT, Space Jesus, Blue Gremlin Billie Starkz!
We find out about growing up and how no one, not even her brother, was safe from her! She also picks a side in the great cookie war!
You can find Billie Starkz at:
Twitter @BillieStarkz
Find Action wrestling on iwtv.live
Use Promo Code 'Action' for 5 Free days!
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP

Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monkey Talk with Adam Priest: 'Just Say No To Waffle House'
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
We sat down with Adam Priest the night before his big match at Friday Night Fights versus Fred Yehi! During the Twitch show Christopher and the Captain talk to him about getting his start in wrestling and who caught his eye while watching wrestling on TV.
Lately, Adam has been on quite the run with ACTION Wrestling and has even seen time with AEW on their Dark show on YouTube. Christopher finds out, or doesn't about some funny traveling stories and gets some of Adam's favorites. Of course we get down to the nitty gritty with the Oreo question...and BOY were we thrown a curve on this one. Check out all this and more in our interview with Adam Priest!
Find Adam Priest at:
Twitter and Instagram: @Adam_Priest_
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP

Monday Nov 02, 2020
Monkey Talk with Bobby Flaco: 'AAYYYOOOOOO We Back!'
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Monday Nov 02, 2020
We're baaaaaaackkkkkkkk!
In anticipation for ACTION Wrestling's next event on Friday, Nov. 13th, the guys sit down with the newly crowned ACW Cruiserweight Champion Bobby Flaco! Before we even get started Christopher and the Captain find out that the event Bobby was wrestling at that night was performed in a black out due to remnants of a hurricane blowing through the area.
Deciding where to train was an easy decision for him and he throws out high praise for his trainer as well! The guys find out what he likes to do outside of the ring for fun, a curve ball on our typical "Traveling Stories" question, what he would tell his 10 year old self and of course FAVORITES!
Oreo's were discussed as per the usual and Bobby poses up a very intriguing rebuttal to our question that leaves Christopher and the Captain semi speechless. What was it? Find out that and more about Bobby Flaco on this episode of Monkey Talk.
Where To Find Bobby Flaco:
Twitter: @BobbyFlacoWWA4
Instagram: @Bobs_Here4_
Facebook: @Bobby.Flaco.75
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP

Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Monkey Talk with Arik Royal: The ACEGAWD live from Tyrone
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Christopher spends a few minutes with The ACEGAWD Arik Royal at the most recent ACTION Wrestling event! Arik talks about his match against Hoodfoot that provided a true big man battle!
The ACEGAWD starts talking basketball - which we find out is a passion of his along with his team! He discusses what it means for this run (previously recorded) in the playoffs for the Lakers and who they're doing it for!
Finally - this man knows his Oreos!
Catch him on https://independentwrestling.tv/promotion/action-wrestling by using the promo code 'ACTION' and checking out all the great content!
Where to Find Nolan Edward:
Twitter: @_nolanedward
Instagram: @_nolanedward
Facebook: @nolan.edwards.96742
Merchandise: prowrestlingtees.com/nolanedward
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP
Or find us on with Wrestle Joy:
Twitter: @WrestleJoy
Website: www.wrestlejoy.com
Merchandise: https://wrestlejoy.bigcartel.com/

Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monkey Talk with AC Mack: 'The CHAMP CHAMP is HERE!'
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
We are only days away from a great weekend of ACTION Wrestling! So today, it is only fitting that we have the man, the CHAMP CHAMP, AC MACK! AC is the current ACTION Wrestling Champion and the SUP (Southern Underground Pro) Bonestorm Champion! He has held these championships for a COMBINED 1,021 DAYS (as of the airing of this episode)! On the weekend, one of his matches is against Brett Ison in a "No Ropes/No DQ" match that was setup from ACTION's previous event "Last Call".
Christopher and The Captain of course talk about the match but on the way we find out what is was like being trained by AR Fox and wrestling with WWA4. AC also had a chance to work with WWE and took on Dominik Dijakovic on NXT. So we also get the behind the scenes look on what that experience was like. The Captain also brings up the fact that Mack won the ACTION title in a Four Way Elimination match. Which turns out to be one of his favorite matches in his career.
Christopher touches on what AC likes to do outside the ring and we definitely get a funny road story! The favorites bring out a very interesting dream match opponent that we would all like to see. Closing it out is Oreos...and does the CHAMP CHAMP choose correctly? Have a listen and enjoy the ride with AC Mack!
Where to Find AC Mack:
Twitter, Instagram & TikTok: @AC_Mack
Facebook: @ACMackIndyWrestler
Merchandise: www.whatamaneuver.net/collections/ac-mack
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP
Or find us on Wrestle Joy:
Twitter: @WrestleJoy
Website: www.wrestlejoy.com
Merchandise: https://wrestlejoy.bigcartel.com/

Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Monkey Talk with O'Shay Edwards: 'The Dream Is Free...'
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
The Bald Monkeys Podcast has teamed up with ACTION Wrestling (Tyrone, GA) to sponsor an awesome night of wrestling on October 2nd! Action Shock and Friday Night Fights will be taking place in Tyrone, GA with a start time of 6:30pm. Building up to this amazing double header we had a chance to sit down with one of the BIG names on the card; the Big Bad Kaiju, O'Shay Edwards!
Christopher and The Captain find out what kind of kid O'Shay was growing up and touch on his career as a firefighter. His love and passion for wrestling is something you hear in his voice and it's no wonder why he decided to go after his dream. O'Shay also discusses his opportunity with Ring Of Honor and lets every one know where else he wants to wrestle!
Edwards also sends a clear message to his opponent for ACTION's Friday Night Fights! Angelus Layne is in for a FIGHT and he is ready! Like usual the guys get some of his favorites! O'Shay and The Captain become best friends (Level 7)!! The final question as always is asked...Oreo Cookies...which side of the fence does the Big Bad Kaiju land on??? All of this and a lot more as we sit down with O'Shay Edwards.
Find O'Shay Edwards:
Twitter: @BigBadKaiju
Instagram: @Big.Bad.Kaiju
Email: bookOShayAllDay@gmail.com
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/MrDuWerke
Merchandise: whatamaneuver.net/collections/oshay-edwards
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP
Or find us on Wrestle Joy:
Twitter: @WrestleJoy
Website: www.wrestlejoy.com
Merchandise: https://wrestlejoy.bigcartel.com/