
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Monkey Talk with Thunder Rosa: 'Mission Pro's Momma Rosa'
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Welcome to "Hell Hath No Fury" week! The show is this Friday night and the excitement builds each day we get closer. Our Mission Pro series has been an eye opening experience that's spot-lighted some fantastic talent on the card. With our final interview in the series we were lucky enough to sit down with the NWA Champion herself and owner of Mission Pro...Thunder Rosa!
Christopher and The Captain get the story on what a young Thunder Rosa was like growing up. She explains about the non-stop hustle and dedication that got her to where she is today. Thunder and The Captain go in-depth on the beginnings of Mission Pro, the card and the anticipation for Friday night.
As always we find out some of Thunder's favorites. Perhaps an interesting road story and the answer to the ultimate question...Single Stuff or Double Stuff!
Find Thunder Rosa at:
Facebook, Instagram & Twitter: @ThunderRosa22
Check out Mission Pro Wrestling at:
Twitter: @MissionProWres
Facebook: @MissionProWrestling
Instagram: @MissionProWrestling
"Hell Hath No Fury" presented by Mission Pro Wrestling & Pinballz Kingdom
Friday, September 18th - Buda, TX - Bell Time: 7:30pm CST
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP
Or find us on Wrestle Joy:
Twitter: @WrestleJoy
Website: www.wrestlejoy.com
Merchandise: https://wrestlejoy.bigcartel.com/

Friday Sep 11, 2020
Monkey Talk with Red Velvett: 'Carrot Cake For The Win!'
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Friday Sep 11, 2020
We are officially one week away from Mission Pro's, Hell Hath No Fury! Luckily, Christopher and the Captain were able to chat with a last minute addition to the September 18th card. 'Straight outta your momma's kitchen' it's Red Velvett! The guys find out about how she went from being a dancer to a professional wrestler. Including her opportunity with WWE during their Tough Enough series and now wrestling with AEW on Dark & Dynamite.
The Captain asks what it was like training with a fellow Mission Pro competitor and her family background in the boxing ring. Red Velvett gives us her take on the card, how she received word that a spot had opened and what Madi has to look forward too! We touch on what she likes to do outside of wrestling, a few favorites and a huge blockbuster announcement...and it's NOT having to do with the Oreo question.
We are so close to Hell Hath No Fury and we hope everyone has enjoyed the interview series with the women of Mission Pro Wrestling!
Find Red Velvett at:
Twitter: @TheeRedVelvett
Intagram: @La_Velvett
Facebook: @LaVelvett
Cameo: www.cameo.com/la_velvett
Merchandise: prowrestlingtees.com/velvett
Check out Mission Pro Wrestling at:
Twitter: @MissionProWres
Facebook: @MissionProWrestling
Instagram: @MissionProWrestling
"Hell Hath No Fury" presented by Mission Pro Wrestling & Pinballz Kingdom
Friday, September 18th - Buda, TX - Bell Time: 7:30pm CST
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP
Or find us on Wrestle Joy:
Twitter: @WrestleJoy
Website: www.wrestlejoy.com
Merchandise: https://wrestlejoy.bigcartel.com/

Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Monkey Talk with Jenna Lynn: 'Proclivity, Pokemon & Patronuses!'
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Get out your Gi and join us as we talk with the "Karate Girl" Jenna Lynn! With less than 2 weeks to go before Mission Pros "Hell Hath No Fury" Jenna drops some knowledge on us in many ways. We learn about her growing up being a fan, who stood out to her and how she watched some of the on-air wrestling shows.
We find out about her proclivity for hard work and putting everything she has into all she does. We get her take on the tag team match she is in at HHNF on September 18th as well. One of her competitors thinks the match may go awry, listen to see what Jenna thinks of that!
As usual we discuss what she likes to do outside of wrestling and we run off on a number of tangents. Finally, the Oreo debate gets another answer and the Captain gets the definitive pronunciation of Buda, TX! Join us for this and a lot more!
Find Jenna Lynn at:
Instagram & Twitter: @RookieJen
Check out Mission Pro Wrestling at:
Twitter: @MissionProWres
Facebook: @MissionProWrestling
Instagram: @MissionProWrestling
EVENT DETAILS: "Hell Hath No Fury" presented by Mission Pro Wrestling & Pinballz Kingdom
Friday, September 18th - Buda, TX - Bell Time: 7:30pm CST

Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monkey Talk with Dan the Dad: 'The World's Greatest Dan!'
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
This week Dan the Dad joins us and we even have a special co-host! The Captain and Ricky Gibson (from 4 Minutes of Heat) sit down with 'Your Father's Favorite Wrestler' to discuss a plethora of topics. We get the story behind Dan, becoming "The Dad" and how an Impact star and some good natured ribbing pushed him into a new character.
We also find out what it was like getting back into the ring recently and what he would say to his 10 year old self. Music, movies, sports and his favorite "Dad'ism"! Plus...what is too much cream inside an Oreo cookie? All that and more on this episode of Monkey Talk with Dan the Dad.
Find Dan the Dad at:
Instagram & Twitter: @ThanksDanTheDad
Merchandise: www.DantheDad.bigcartel.com
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP
Or find us on with Wrestle Joy:
Twitter: @WrestleJoy
Website: www.wrestlejoy.com
Merchandise: https://wrestlejoy.bigcartel.com/

Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Monkey Talk with Baby D: 'PB and ... Oreos?'
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
With less than 2 weeks till "Hell Hath No Fury" the boys got a chance to sit down with Baby D! She was previously schedule to wrestle against Madi Wrenkowski but had to back out for some personal reasons. She is still going to be at the show on September 18th and we got her take on the card and what she was really looking forward too seeing.
We find out that she is a third generation wrestler and delve into what it was like growing up "in the business". We discuss taking a break from wrestling, attending college and then what her first match was like when she came back. Baby D is part of a very successful tag team and Christopher inquires just what's wrong with tag team wrestling nowadays.
All this, music, cereal, inter-gender wrestling and of course Oreo cookies on this amazing episode with Baby D!
Find Baby D at:
Instagram & Twitter: @BabyD2017
Facebook: @BabyD2018
Snapchat & Tic-Tok: @BabyD100788
Check out Mission Pro Wrestling at:
Twitter: @MissionProWres
Facebook: @MissionProWrestling
Instagram: @MissionProWrestling
EVENT DETAILS: "Hell Hath No Fury" presented by Mission Pro Wrestling & Pinballz Kingdom Friday, September 18th - Buda, TX - Bell Time: 7:30pm CST
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP
Or find us on with Wrestle Joy:
Twitter: @WrestleJoy
Website: www.wrestlejoy.com
Merchandise: https://wrestlejoy.bigcartel.com/

Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monkey Talk Isaiah 'Izzy' James: "I'm a Double Stuffer...Aren't We All"
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Christopher and the Captain sit down this week with Isaiah "Izzy" James. The guys find out about his first memory of wrestling and looking on Craigslist for wrestling schools. Izzy also tells us how he self educated himself in order to take his first in-ring bump!
The talent pool in the state of Texas is deep and he gives us some more background on promotions and talent coming out of the 'Lone Star' State. Crazy road stories involving AZ blizzards and Fresno aliens also come to light in this episode.
Finally...double stuff...enough said!
Find Isaiah "Izzy" James at:
Twitter, Instagram & Facebook: @UnholyDiver27
Merchandise: prowrestlingtees.com/unholydiver27
Find the Bald Monkeys at: Twitter:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP
Or find us on with Wrestle Joy:
Twitter: @WrestleJoy
Website: www.wrestlejoy.com
Merchandise: https://wrestlejoy.bigcartel.com/

Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Monkey Talk with Lindsay Snow: 'Fighting From The Start'
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
We continue our series of interviews with the roster of Mission Pro Wrestling leading up to "Hell Hath No Fury" on September 18th. Quite possibly one of the biggest matches of the night involves our guest, Lindsay Snow. As she is challenging the NWA Women's Champion, Thunder Rosa for her title
Lindsay talked about her mixed martial arts and wrestling background. Who inspires her in the ring and what lead her into the world of Professional Wrestling. Lindsay mentions the story that she has essentially been fighting since day one of her life. They also find out a little bit about her experience with WWE. As well as an opportunity with Ring of Honor.
Creative arts, including tattooing...a secret music aspiration, coffee and of course Oreo cookies! Find out all about this formidable challenger in this episode of Monkey Talk!
Find Lindsay Snow:
Twitter & Instagram: @KaijuPower
Check out Mission Pro Wrestling at:
Twitter: @MissionProWres
Facebook: @MissionProWrestling
Instagram: @MissionProWrestling
"Hell Hath No Fury" presented by Mission Pro Wrestling & Pinballz Kingdom
Friday, September 18th - Buda, TX - Bell Time:7:30pm CST
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP
Or find us on with Wrestle Joy:
Twitter: @WrestleJoy
Website: www.wrestlejoy.com
Merchandise: https://wrestlejoy.bigcartel.com/

Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Monkey Talk with Vert Vixen: 'Gamer Rage Set to 11'
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
We are heading back to Mission Pros tag team match in this episode. We talk to VertVixen about her upcoming tag match at Hell Hath No Fury! The team of VertVixen and Jenna Lynn (her episode coming later in the series) take on Promise Braxton (our first interview) and Killa Kate.
The Monkeys talk about her different journey to the wrestling ring, background in cosplay and her love of gaming. We also get some very important answers to our round of favorites questions! Star Wars, gaming consoles, Twitch and Oreos...
P.S. the Captain got so excited about one of her answers that his audio basically crapped out, so bear with him.
Find VertVixen:
Twitter & Instagram: @VertVixen
Facebook: @AliciaCosplay
Twitch: Twitch.tv/VertVixen
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP
Or find us on with Wrestle Joy:
Twitter: @WrestleJoy
Website: www.wrestlejoy.com
Merchandise: https://wrestlejoy.bigcartel.com/

Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monkey Talk with Madi Wrenkowski: Literally An Interview
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
The second installment of our special promotion for Mission Pro Wrestling is here! "Miss Reality" Madi Wrenkowski joined us to chat about how she got her start in wrestling. Even mentioning performing wrestling moves on her siblings and playing wrestling video games.
Christopher and the Captain touch on her training in Texas and her amazing opportunity as an extra for a big WWE event earlier this year. A few fun questions and of course we discuss her match at Hell Hath No Fury against Baby D! Unfortunately we had to fire our research team after this episode, so we're taking applications now (JK).
Don't worry, we even get the answer on her choice in the great cookie debate!
Find Madi Wrenkowski:
Twitter, Instagram: @Madi_Wrenkowski
Facebook: @MadiWrenkowski
Merchandise: https://madiwrenkowski.bigcartel.com/
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP
Or find us on with Wrestle Joy:
Twitter: @WrestleJoy
Website: www.wrestlejoy.com
Merchandise: https://wrestlejoy.bigcartel.com/

Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monkey Talk with Kasey Catal: "It's A Small World"
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
We had the chance to sit down with Kasey Catal a short time ago and realized what a small world it really is! Kasey tells us what it was like training in NY, taking her first bump in the ring and performing in hardcore death matches. The Captain touches on her opportunity to wrestle WWE Superstar Asuka while she and Christopher bond discussing Sunday Italian dinners!
Kasey also gives us her take on the hot button topic of Inter-Gender wrestling. As always we discuss some of her favorites, is it sauce or gravy and of course Oreos! Which side of the fence will she land on, Single or Double Stuff. All this and more as we talk to Kasey Catal!
Find Kasey Catal:
Twitter: @CatalKasey
Instagram: @KaseyLynneKirk_
Find the Bald Monkeys at:
Twitch: twitch.tv/TheBaldMonkeys
Find more at: linktr.ee/BMWP
Or find us on with Wrestle Joy:
Twitter: @WrestleJoy
Website: www.wrestlejoy.com
Merchandise: https://wrestlejoy.bigcartel.com/